The Texas Association of Business Political Action Committee (TXBIZ PAC) is the largest business association PAC in Texas. An essential part of TAB’s advocacy efforts is the contributions of investors to support candidates for the Texas Legislature that are Pro Texas-Pro Business.
There is a lot at stake for Texas’ job creators. TXBIZ PAC endorses and supports candidates whose professional background and record demonstrate a commitment to preserving and enhancing a favorable Texas business climate.
Endorsements are based on the following criteria:
Key votes or platforms on issues of importance to the business community
A demonstrated willingness to sponsor or advocate for legislation important to business, as well as avoid sponsoring/supporting bills harmful to business
Holding position(s) of leadership within their chambers and caucuses
General accessibility and willingness to meet with and discuss issues with representatives of the business community
Voting records/position on key issues compared to voter preferences within their legislative districts
Professional backgrounds and experiences in businesses
General electability in their current races
TXBIZ PAC needs funding support to continue to grow the bipartisan Business Caucus in the Texas Legislature.
Learn more about the levels and benefits, click here.
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Contributions to Texas Association of Business PAC (TXBIZ PAC) are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Texas law does not limit the amount that individual donors (and some partnerships and LLCs) may contribute to TXBIZ PAC; however, contributions from corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and federal government contractors are not permitted. Texas law requires TXBIZ PAC to itemize information about individuals whose contributions exceed $20 in a reporting period and use its best efforts to obtain and report the name, address, and principal occupation or job title of individuals whose contributions exceed $710 in a reporting period.
© 2020 TXBIZ PAC.