Senator Drew Springer (R-Muenster) discussed pro-business policies on the docket for the 88th Legislative Session.
Vice Chair of two committees, Administration and Local Government, Senator Springer has served SD 30 since 2021. Prior to joining the Senate, he served in the House from 2013 – 2021. His district includes Sherman, Wichita Falls, Denton, Frisco, and Lewisville.
Senator Springer is primarily focused on business policies this session.
The Texas Commerce Act, SB 149, strives to deliver regulatory consistency. Senator Springer touted that the Legislature passed the mother of all preemption bills a few sessions ago (2015) after the City of Denton banned fracking. The move stopped threats to the oil and gas industry, which generates vital revenue for the entire state. “Business regulations should be consistent for everyone,” Senator Springer said.
SB 871 exempts inventory from ad valorem taxation. Currently, Texas is one of nine states that charges this tax, and Senator Springer wants to do away with it. He also wants to see Texas ban transactional sales tax. Given New York and New Jersey waive this tax every year, it is time for Texas to do the same.
Workforce shortages still plague businesses of every size and industry. There are roughly two job opening for every single person unemployed. To help get people back to work, Senator Springer wants to dramatically shorten the time frame down for unemployment benefits. In that same vein, Senator Springer filed SB 487 to address the teacher shortage. This legislation authorizes any Community College District to offer a baccalaureate degree program in the field of education.
SB 605, the companion bill for HB 1001 by Rep. Capriglione, related to consumer choice health plans. Senator Springer aims to decrease costs, while maintaining price transparency and adhering to federal insurance consumer protections. TAB supports this legislation as it gives employers additional, low-cost options for employer-sponsored health plans. TAB surveyed its members on this topic, and 87% of employers said that health care costs are rising at an unsustainable rate.
Senator Springer is also working to create an economic development tool that attracts large asset manufacturers to the state. Referencing GlobalWafers (which produces semiconductor silicon wafers) recent investment in Sherman Texas, the Senator said, “National security is coming out of Sherman, Texas.” TAB appreciates Senator Springer for taking the time to talk to its members about these pro-business policies. Regulatory consistency, consumer choice health plans, the workforce shortage, and creating a new, modern economic development program are all legislative priorities for TAB, the Texas State Chamber.
Lawmakers, capitol staff, and TAB Members are invited to attend the next TxLege Breakfast Series, February 22 where we will hear from Senator Nathan Johnson (D-Dallas). RSVP: