The TAB Litigation Center is the voice of business in the federal and state courts. We represent TAB in lawsuits to challenge unlawful federal, state, and local regulatory actions. We intervene to defend the government in cases brought by activists to challenge pro-business or deregulatory actions. We file amicus curiae briefs representing the broad views of the Texas business community in important litigation in the state. We work with the media to help the public understand key decisions and legal principles.
TAB has joined with other petitioners (NAM, TAM, ACC, TCC) to challenge the CPSC’s rule concerning phthalates due to the rule making being arbitrary and capricious and/or not in accordance with law.
TAB has joined the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and the Ohio Chamber of Commerce (through the U.S. Chamber) in filing a joint amicus brief in support of a lawsuit by states and industry to overturn EPA’s Clean Power Plan.
TAB has joined Texas Rail Advocates and Transportation Advocacy Group to file an amicus brief in support of Texas Central Railroad & Infrastructure, Inc.’s (TCRI) motion for summary judgment in their case versus Calvin House.