“It’s not political. It’s business.”
- Massey Villarreal, President & CEO of Precision Task Group and Vice Chairman of TAB Board of Directors -
TAB is the voice for all Texas businesses
We work in a bipartisan manner to vigorously protect Texas’ pro-business climate.
Everyone has a seat at the TAB table!
TAB builds coalitions with key stakeholders, industry experts, trade associations, and our local
chamber of commerce partners. -
TAB gets the right people in the room to amplify business voices, collaborate and create blueprints for solutions.
Core Principles
Ensure a light regulatory environment and tax structure for businesses of every size and industry.
Maximize employers’ opportunity to grow jobs, increase wages, and give back to their communities.
Build a sustainable and inclusive workforce by enhancing the education system and encouraging
second chance hiring.
Support business growth through sensible immigration and trade policies as well as economic
development incentives. -
Fortify infrastructure including energy, transportation, water and broadband.