The Texas Association of Business is the Texas State Chamber, representing companies of every size and industry. TAB works in a bipartisan manner to vigorously protect Texas' pro-business climate, delivering solutions to the challenges affecting Texas employers.
TAB proudly serves as the state designated affiliate to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the US Chamber of Commerce (USCOC).
To champion the best business climate in the world, unleashing the power of free enterprise
to enhance lives for generations.
Core Principles
Ensure a light regulatory environment and tax structure for businesses of every size and industry.
Maximize employers’ opportunity to grow jobs, increase wages, and give back to their communities.
Build a sustainable and inclusive workforce by enhancing the education system and encouraging
second chance hiring. -
Support business growth through sensible immigration and trade policies as well as economic development incentives.
Fortify infrastructure including energy, transportation, water and broadband.
TAB works in a bipartisan manner to protect Texas’ pro-business climate. Learn more on our Advocacy Page.
“Business is not just lifting people out of poverty, it’s solving problems. The Pfizer vaccine is an innovation from the private sector that saved millions of lives. That’s the free market system! Texas has the most dynamic economy and friendly policies to change the world through business.”
- Glenn Hamer, TAB President & CEO -